Crisis Housing



Looking for shelter? Please call 920-734-9192


Whether a single adult has the need to stay at Pillars Adult Shelter or a family with nowhere to go comes to Pillars Adult & Family Shelter, we are here to provide our services to the most vulnerable members of our community. Clients are provided with personal care items and meals to meet their basic needs. Through Pillars Adult Shelter and Pillars Adult & Family Shelter, we have the ability to serve up to 140 people each night. Pillars Resource Center is a hub of housing-related services in our community. It provides a safe, welcoming environment for people who are experiencing homelessness and connects them to resources and services.  Moreover, through Pillars Stable Housing and Supportive Housing programs, we help achieve independence and quality of life by providing safe, affordable homes for almost 150 households.


Pillars receives funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and/or a federal, state or local public or private entity to provide services for individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. In order to receive this funding, this agency must participate in the Wisconsin Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which is administered by the Institute for Community Alliances.


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